Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sleepy Monster

The blessed days of two naps in one day are but a distant memory, and I fear the day when no naps are needed at all. Currently, Jack will snooze from 11 or 12 until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. We like to spend our time doing homework, cleaning, relaxing, catching up on tv that doesn't include animation, puppets, singing, or trains. I still can't stand catching myself singing 'Elmo's world' at random times throughout my day. Damn that furry little red puppet, why is he so addicting to babies? It's like baby crack.
Heather is trying to take the pacifier, or binky, away from Jack. During the day he's actually good without it, but at night he will still cry out, so I voted to give it back. And by vote I mean that he was crying, I was the one that got up and couldn't comfort my own child back to sleep, so I got the binky out and gave it to him. It worked, so he's still on-again, off-again with the thing. I think it's ok, cuz he's still got teeth coming in and maybe that is why he needs it & why it still helps him.
Needless to say, I think he is so dang cute, 'specailly when he wakes up. It used to be the only time you could get a hug from him, but we've trained him to almost give hugs and kisses on command. Sometimes he will refuse and say no, but we try.
About the kissing, we're also very glad he learned to kiss with his mouth closed. Not that I don't appreciate a good wet kiss now and then, it's just that I usually prefer it come from my wife and not my kid.
Jack's current words are 'brush,' 'shoes,' 'duck,' 'yeah,' 'no,' 'Aunt,' (per special request of her Auntie Freddi) and something that sounds like, 'whatszou?' which is what he says when he asks a question and points at something.

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