Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wildlife at Zion's

Turkey. Turkey gravy. Turkey legs-more on that later. Turkey dinner. Not the country.
This picture, beside being beeeautiful, represents the wildlife we saw but did not get pictures of. We saw birds, deer, and lots of people. Yes, people count as wildlife, specially all the Europeans and Asian people we saw.
Little fish. They may even have been tadpoles, I'm not really sure.
Thanksgiving dinner. It was kinda weird to see a turkey out in the wild and realize how different they really are than the domestic ones I usually eat November to January. The ones I eat all have 4 legs, but I could only see two on this guy. Like I said, it was odd.
Snake. Not good for eating. Also, no apples in sight. I still didn't let Heather near him, you never really know, right. I mean, look what happened last time, right?


Amanda said...

What happened last time? I want to know!

Jason said...

you know.....adam....eve.....a snake.....apples. if you still don't get it, ask Jason.