Tuesday, April 6, 2010

December; Santa

We found this great suit for Jack at Crazy8's, and just had to buy it. We had seen it earlier, but by the time we decided to get it, it had been just long enough that there wasn't a great size selection left. Fortunately, that meant that we got a great deal on it at least. Anyways, the size is little big, but Jack is only going to grow right?
Yeah, Jack was a little unsure of the whole Santa thing. He was fine with the whole thing, right up until it was his turn.
This is probably from right after we promised him some toy from the Disney store or something.
Okay, can I get down now? How 'bout now? Now?
Ah, too funny. Maybe next year will be better.


Liz said...

Cute! Brenin came over and saw the pic and says to me; 'Hey that's santa and a cool guy!'

Amanda said...

It is a cute suit! And kids ALWAYS hate Santa. At least he wasn't crying, right?

Sox said...

at least he didn't cover his eyes with his hands when it was time for the pic, like mine did! I got 4 shots of his hands and not his face.