Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day Out with Thomas!

May 28th we went to Heber, UT for Day Out With Thomas. For all of you with toddler/preschool age boys, you know how HUGE this is for your little guys. For those who don't, it is HUGE. We took Jack because he loves Thomas the Tank Engine and has some dearly beloved Thomas trains; James, Henry, Toby, Salty, Emily, Percy, etc.
Jack was so excited to meet "Sir Topper-Hat." "You have caused confusion and delay."
The conductor of the train ride we took sat with Jack and let him try on his hat and see his conductor watch. Of course Jack was thrilled and we were excited to see our little boy so enthralled with the Thomas experience. I was amazed that I could be so excited for something that I didn't care about just because someone I loved was. This must be parenthood.

Jack with Thomas
First train ride

There were several train sets set up in a tent. Jack would have never left if we hadn't enticed him with the real train ride. All in all, a fun day for the whole family.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

where my parents at?

today we had this exchange:

me: jack, we have to go run some errands.

jack: we have to find my parents?

me: no, we have to run-some-errands.

jack: find my parents? for meeeeee?

me: yes. we have to go find your parents. *sigh* now get your sandals on.