So, I have this thing about tests, speeches, class presentations, etcetera. I know that I will do really well on those things if I get nervous beforehand. It's kinda weird, I know. If I totally skimp on the preparation or whatever, no nerves it is a pretty good indication that I will bomb said speech, test or presentation. Once I was giving a speech in church and while I was speaking, I kept hearing a fast flapping sound. I finally figured out where the noise was coming from-me. My legs were shaking so bad that my pant legs were flapping like I was a flag in a tornado. That turned out to be a really great talk.
So Friday, I show up for the test-stone cold.
No nerves.
No butterflies.
No nuthin'.
Shoot, I'm gonna bomb for sure.
Then, I got ALL-that's right-ALL 265 questions possible.
See, the NCLEX is a test of minimum competancy. That means that there is a minimum of 75 questions and a maximum of 265 in a 6 hour time limit in which to make sure new nurses don't kill anybody. So I test, and the test doesn't turn off after 75. Which means the test still isn't sure that I meet the minimum competancy expected of new nurses.
Ok, I'm thinking, no sweat. The test can shut off anytime between now and 265, just a soon as I prove I'm minimally capable. Nope. Question after question after get the picture.
So, this weekend was the weekend from hell. Specially because I had already told everybody that I was taking the test, so there was no hiding the fact. And my friends even got me presents to 'celebrate,'
Then, the results. I passed. I have successfully graduated from nursing skool and passed the NCLEX, the state boards of nursing, the gateway to honest emplyment wiping people's butts and taking care of many other bodily fluids.........wait a minute, is this really what I want to do?
I AM still only 5 credits away from graduating from BYU with my Russian degree.......
Hey, at least Heather isn't gonna make me sleep on the couch tonight.